The Next Kickstarter Campaign

I’m still finishing up the fulfillment for the Dragonfire Omnibus Kickstarter campaign – which will only be completed when the ebook of Kiss of Enchantment is delivered to those who ordered an advance copy through the campaign – but am already planning my next campaign.

My next Kickstarter will feature new print editions of The Dragon Diaries trilogy. Since there were still some of Penguin’s trade paperbacks out in the marketplace when I republished the books, I haven’t done new paperback editions yet. That will change in May. There will be new trade paperbacks of the three books, available first at Kickstarter. They’ll be available at the various portals in the fall.

There will also be a hardcover illustrated omnibus edition of The Dragon Diaries. This will have a new cover and interior illustrations, and will be available only at Kickstarter. If you order a copy during this campaign, you’ll be able to get your copy signed by me, but you’ll also be listed in the acknowledgements of this edition. I’ve wanted to do an omnibus for a while and am excited about this edition. I’ll show you the cover when I can. (It’s getting close to completion.)

There’s a cumulative effect at Kickstarter, especially in the add-on tiers. So, you’ll be able to order the omnibus Dragonfire editions as add-ons in The Dragon Diaries campaign. The acknowledgements in those books are fixed now, and you’ll be able to get them personalized instead of signed, but they’ll also be a bit cheaper than they were before. (Less postage for one thing. The signed copies have to be shipped to me in Canada before being shipping to you, and our postage is expensive.)

Of course, there will be special swag. I’ll offer a swag box with each Kickstarter, since that’s fun and means that you can buy just the swag if you already have the ebooks.

Now you know the plan! You can keep watching here for more details, and/or follow me on Kickstarter to be notified of new campaigns.

The Store

The Store is back.

I’ve added some series bundles of print books to the Store here on my site. I’m still sorting things out there – my plans to install a sexy app have dissolved, so I’m back to Paypal buttons. Sometimes simpler is better! I need to add a bundle of the entire F5F series, but there are a lot of dragons in the store already.

I have a lot more books and can order anything you like to send it to you signed. We also pack some swag with every order. The prices include postage to the US or Canada. If you live somewhere else and would like a postage estimate or if you’re interested in a book (or books) that aren’t there, please email me and let me know.

I’ll add some individual books, too, in the next little while, but the store is open now.

You’ll find the print bundles on the Series Bundles page, which lives under the Store tab.

Website Reorganization

I’m updating my websites (again – this feels like an endless task sometimes) in order to add some features. First, I’m updating to the new WordPress block editor, which should improve how the sites look, especially on your phone.

While doing that, I’m adding more buy links, particularly for print editions, and updating to cool little buy buttons.

Thirdly, this update allows me to add Paypal buttons for you to buy signed print books directly from me.

Just One Fake Date, book one of the Flatiron Five Fitness series of contemporary romances by Deborah Cooke

I’ve finished the updates on my contemporary romances, so if you look at the individual book pages for The Coxwells, Flatiron Five Fitness and Flatiron Five Tattoo, you’ll see those features. I’m offering both individual books for sale and series bundles of print books – they’re both listed on each book page. On the Store page, you’ll find the series bundles only. Once I get this update done across all of my sites, I’ll dig out my inventory of original print editions and add them to the book pages. I think, for example, that I still have some of the Berkley editions of the Coxwells in trade paperback.

Wyvern's Mate, book #1 in the Dragons of Incendium series of paranormal romances by Deborah Cooke

The final change will affect my other sites: I’m going to move the Dragons of Incendium to the Dragonfire Novels site, which will leave me with three websites to manage instead of four. All the PNR will be on the Dragonfire site. I’ve already got the individual books there, under their own Incendium tab – and I learned that there’s a new cool option to display audio samples from Soundcloud, like the one for Wyvern’s Mate. I’ll do the PNR site next, then the Delacroix site last.

I’ll let you know when everything is done!

Dragon’s Heart Print Edition

Look what arrived! It’s the trade paperback edition of Dragon’s Heart.

Dragon's Heart, book three of the DragonFate series of paranormal romances by Deborah Cooke in trade paperback

I’m adding the print links to the book page as they go live. You can also buy a signed copy from me for the cost of the book plus postage, or you can get a signed bookplate from me free for the asking. Just let me know if either option is of interest.

Dragon’s Heart