Winter Kiss Available in Spanish

Another new translation to share today – there’s more Dragonfire available in Spanish! Winter Kiss, Delaney and Ginger’s story, can be enjoyed in Spanish.

Winter Kiss, book four of the Dragonfire Novels by Deborah Cooke, Spanish edition

Un beso puede derretir su frío corazón…

El misterioso elixir Sangre de Dragón le concede la inmortalidad a Magnus, el mayor enemigo de los Pyr, y a sus secuaces. Los Pyr deben destruir su fuente de poder y Delaney, el marginado, jura completar la misión él mismo. Delaney fue exiliado por sus impulsos peligrosos, y el éxito en eliminar el elixir lo redimirá o terminará su sufrimiento.

Pero sus planes no toman en cuenta su repentina tormenta de fuego… ni a la ardiente Ginger Sinclair. La tormenta de fuego revitaliza a Delaney, devolviéndolo a su antiguo ser. Y cuando Ginger se entera de la misión de Delaney, se da cuenta de que no puede resistirse a un hombre fuerte con fines nobles.

Kiss of Fate Now Available in Spanish!

A number of my translations have finally published to the portals, so I have some links to share. First up, Kiss of Fate in a new Spanish edition!

Beso destinado is the Spanish edition of Kiss of Fate, book three of the Dragonfire Novels by Deborah Cooke

Un amor predestinado merece una segunda oportunidad…

Atormentada por sueños de un amor que toma la forma de un dragón mítico, Eileen Grosvenor busca la verdad. No espera encontrar un dragón cambiaformas real, mucho menos uno que despierta su pasión y enciende los recuerdos de su propio pasado olvidado.

Erik Sorensson está enfocado en liderar a los Pyr en su triunfo contra los Aniquiladores, aunque le cueste la vida. Cuando una reliquia antigua que puede cambiar el resultado de la batalla se revela, Erik sabe que debe recuperarla de manos de Eileen. Pero cuando intenta hacerlo, queda desconcertado por una increíble tormenta de fuego que lo obliga a confrontar la verdad sobre la identidad de Eileen. Su presencia le recuerda de los errores que está resuelto a no repetir, y Erik se ve obligado a tomar una decisión: el deber o el amor.

Sólo al desbloquear los secretos del pasado, Erik y Eileen podrán cumplir la profecía final de los Pyr. ¿Podrán enfrentar sus miedos más profundos y reclamar su amor destinado a tiempo para derrotar a los Aniquiladores?

Dragon Diaries Omnibus

The Dragon Diaries omnibus is coming to Kickstarter, in ebook and hardcover. Here’s a peek at the new cover, with dust jacket and case laminate.

Dragon Diaries HC omnibus editions

This huge chonky hardcover (it’s almost 800 pages) includes all three books in the series. The campaign will include character cards, a pretty bookmark, and have a tier also with all the hardcover Dragonfire omnibus hardcover editions. I plan to launch the campaign in June.

Follow the Kickstarter campaign for the Dragon Diaries omnibus here.

Free Series Starters

I’m changing things up with my free series starters and wanted to let you know.

Kiss of Fire, book #1 of the Dragonfire Novels series of paranormal romances by Deborah Cooke

Kiss of Fire (book one of the Dragonfire Novels) is free through the end of April at most portals but will return to full price on May 1 at all portals. It’s been a free read for a while, and it’s time for a change. If you haven’t downloaded a copy yet, do it soon!

Just One Fake Date, book one of the Flatiron Five Fitness series of contemporary romances by Deborah Cooke

Just One Fake Date (book one of the Flatiron Five Fitness series) is a free read at most portals, but that will also change at the end of April. Tyler and Shannyn’s story will remain a free read at Apple, where it continues to find new fans for the series, but not at other portals. I suspect this means that Amazon will match the free price at Apple, and that GooglePlay might match Amazon’s free price, but we’ll see.

These two books have been free for a while, and first-in-series-free always loses its effectiveness over time. I’ll be experimenting with some 99cent book sales over the next few months, so keep an eye out for those specials.

Dragons of 2024

Dragons of 2024 multi-author dragon romance promotion

Today’s the day to heat up your e-reader with a little fire! From today through February 3, over thirty dragon romances are free, 99¢ or discounted in this multi-author promotion celebrating our fiery friends. You’ll find Dragons First for just 99cents among the offerings on the landing page, and a giveaway too.

Shop the Dragons of 2024!