New Dragonfire Family Trees at Kickstarter

Time for another weekly update on my upcoming Kickstarter campaign. Tick tock – it won’t be long until we launch! You can see the first of my special hard cover editions in last week’s blog post and learn more about the Kickstarter campaign in this earlier blog post. Here’s last week’s post about swag.

I’ve wanted for a long time to create a set of family trees for the Pyr that are prettier than the black-and-white ones you can download free from my site and print out yourself. This campaign is a great opportunity to do that. These will be printed on 6×9″ postcards and there will be a set of twelve of them. Here’s a peek at the art for one of them, which may still be revised a bit:

The Roman Line I Family tree for the Pyr in Deborah Cooke's Dragonfire series of paranormal romances

The layout of this one is similar to the one you can download, but it’s in colour. (I’ve rearranged some of the others.) The Pyr who have turned Slayer are in green, and those whose stories are told in the books are in pinky-mauve (like Marco, here) with the book cover displayed beside the couple. There’s more colour coding on different pages – the members of the original Council of Seven are colour-coded, for example, where they appear. The reverse side of each card will have the Dragonfire logo. I like these a lot and hope you do, too!

Kickstarter also encourages incremental goals to build momentum over the course of the campaign. These family tree postcards will be offered as a stretch goal. That means funding will have to reach a specified amount for me to go ahead and get these printed. If they’re funded, the set of postcards will be added to all of the tiers that include all four omnibus editions signed by me (those tiers get all the swag) and also to the Book Worm swag pack. The Book Worm swag pack includes all the shiny things and is ideal for those of you who already have all the books in the format you want, or who prefer digital books to print ones.

The campaign launches on December 27 and will run for several weeks.

Here’s the link to follow the campaign.

Kickstarter Editions Swag

Time for another weekly update on my upcoming Kickstarter campaign. Tick tock – it won’t be long until we launch!

One of the fun things about Kickstarter is that it allows (or even encourages) the creation of limited time offers, either with book editions like these omnibus hardcover editions of the Dragonfire Novels, or with swag. You can see the first of my special hard cover editions in last week’s blog post and learn more about the Kickstarter campaign in this earlier blog post.

There are Early Bird goals at Kickstarter, which are bonus offers for people who commit to a reward tier early. I have three Early Bird goals on this campaign.

First, the four tote bags that I showed you a few weeks ago are Early Bird rewards for the first four people who order the complete set of all four omnibus editions signed by me.

Dragonfire zippered tote bag offered as an early bird bonus in Deborah Cooke's Dragonfire omnibus editions campaign
Dragonfire zippered tote bag offered as an early bird bonus in Deborah Cooke's Dragonfire omnibus editions campaign

Secondly, there’s a dragon bookmark with beads and charms added to it. I haven’t created these yet, but you can see the base bookmarks below and the dragon charms I’ve already chosen for them. There are four purple ones and ten gold ones and they’ll have book charms on them, too. These are rewards for the first bookings of the highest tier, which includes all four omnibus editions and a signed copy of Here Be Dragons (and more).

Dragonfire bookmark parts, to be assembled by Deborah Cooke

There’s also an Early Bird bonus for the Book Worm swag pack – the first twenty sold include a dragon ball pendant and a Dragonfire book charm. There are lots of book charms here, all of which still need to be drilled and have their hardware added.

Dragonfire book charms and dragon ball gemstone necklaces

These are tough to photograph since everything is shiny and reflects the light. Here’s another picture of the gemstone dragon balls with a helpful assistant from my office. I only use black satin cords on them now, btw.

New dragon swag from Deborah Cooke

Here’s an older picture of the book charms, so you can see how big they are. They’re really cute!

Finished Book Charm by Deborah Cooke

I also have gemstone beaded bracelets with dragon charms, which will work their way into the campaign at some point. The pink and olive ones are dragon’s eye agate with black jaspar. The black ones are striped agate with quartzite.

Gemstone dragon bracelets made by Deborah Cooke

Of course, I have a few surprises planned, too. 🙂

The campaign launches on December 27 and will run for several weeks – and then all these goodies will be gone!

Here’s the link to follow the campaign.

Those Kickstarter Editions

I’m pretty excited about the 15th anniversary omnibus hard cover editions of Dragonfire that will be available at Kickstarter starting later this month, so I thought I’d give you a weekly update each Friday until we launch. The first update was last week and you can read it right here.

Why Kickstarter? Kickstarter offers an opportunity for authors to connect with readers, to offer special items that aren’t available anywhere else, and to showcase new content. I’ve always been lucky to have a strong connection with my Dragonfire fans, so that series is a natural place to start.

Dragonfire Quest, 15th anniversary hard cover omnibus edition, available at Kickstarter

My first Kickstarter campaign is for hardcover omnibus editions of the Dragonfire Novels. There are four volumes in all, and each is a huge big book. The first one, Dragonfire Quest, is 1050 pages with a 2.5″ spine. It weighs 3.8 lbs and maxes out the possible page count at the printer. That’s just a computer mock-up of it at left – in reality, it’ll be a lot thicker. It’s a hardcover with a printed slipcover. I’ve ordered a copy to show you in advance of the campaign and it has shipped. I should be able to show it to you next week.

There will be four omnibus editions in all. Dragonfire Quest contains Kiss of Fire, Kiss of Fury and Kiss of Fate and is the biggest. Dragonfire Elixir includes Winter Kiss, Whisper Kiss and Darkfire Kiss. Dragonfire Reunion includes Flashfire, Ember’s Kiss, Harmonia’s Kiss, Kiss of Danger, Kiss of Darkness, and Kiss of Destiny. Dragonfire Triumph includes Serpent’s Kiss and Firestorm Forever.

Dragonfire Elixir, 15th anniversary hard cover omnibus edition, available at Kickstarter
Dragonfire Reunion, 15th anniversary hard cover omnibus edition, available at Kickstarter
Dragonfire Triumph, 15th anniversary hard cover omnibus edition, available at Kickstarter

Offering these editions this way gives us some extra opportunities. For example, if you buy copies of these books during this campaign, your name will be added to the acknowledgements as a supporter of the project. That’s a one-time opportunity! Also, you can order these books through the Kickstarter campaign and receive them signed from me with additional swag. You can also order personalized ones that will ship directly from the printer. (The postage cost will be lower on those, since they only ship to you. The signed books have to be shipped to me first and then to you.) I’ll show you what the personalization looks like when that sample copy arrives.

The campaign is also of comparatively short duration. We launch December 27 and the campaign will end on January 14. That gives you a little over two weeks to buy the books. These editions might be offered in another later Kickstarter campaign, but the acknowledgements will be set up in this one. (No new names will be added after January 14.)

These editions won’t be available at retailers ever.

Right now, I’ve figured out the postage costs for the US and Canada. Gillain noted last week that she’s interested and she’s in the UK, so I’m figuring out that postage too. If you live anywhere else and are interested in these books, let me know in the comments please. Should I add AU/NZ postage? Probably.

And there’s swag that will be available only on this campaign. I’ll show you more of that before we launch, but here’s one item: a Dragonfire tote bag.

This is a big zippered canvas tote that will hold all of the books. I added a Dragonfire logo to it (yay, me!) and also a dragon charm on the zipper pull. I have only four of these, so they’re early bird bonus gifts for the first four orders for signed copies of all four omnibus hardcovers.

The omnibus editions aren’t the only things on offer. You’ll also be able to order personalized copies of all eleven trade paperback editions (the complete series in individual volumes) or personalized hard cover copies of the eleven individual books. And if all goes well, there will be a bonus for campaign backers that I think you’ll like a lot. 🙂

I’m hoping this creates a better way to launch my dragon shifter romances in future and have my fingers crossed that this campaign is a success.

Right now, you can sign up for Kickstarter and ask to be notified when the campaign launches.

Here’s the link to the campaign.

Learn more about Kickstarter here.