The Dragon Diaries New Trade Paperbacks

As promised, today we’re having a look at the new trade paperbacks for the individual books in the Dragon Diaries trilogy.

The Dragon Diaries new trade paperback editions

It’s raining today, so I had to take a picture in my kitchen. :-/

These books have matte covers and the same cover illustrations as the original NAL editions. I licensed the art from the artist, Juliana Kolesova – the front covers look the same as the current ebook editions. They are 5.5″ by 8.5″ and roughly 300 pages each, with cream stock.

Interior page of The Dragon Diaries new trade paperback editions

They have the same dragon line illustrations on the chapter headers as the retail omnibus edition. The type is a tiny bit bigger in the trade paperbacks, just FYI.

These edition will be available during the Kickstarter campaign to be drop-shipped to you. You’ll be able to get this edition earlier via Kickstarter and also order the campaign swag.

The buy links at the portals are populating for October delivery, so I’ve started to add them to the website today. If your portal of choice is AMZ, you’ll find strange notes on the product page for this edition. Because it’s not being printed by AMZ, I guess they’d rather you bought something else. 🙂 When I built links yesterday, these editions were all marked as unavailable, and it defaulted to used editions of the original NAL paperbacks. These new editions are pre-orders for October 29. If you pre-order there, be sure you’re choosing the edition that you want.

Or you could just order your copies through the Kickstarter and get them early. 🙂

The Dragon Diaries omnibus hardcover edition, coming to Kickstarter in June

Follow the Kickstarter campaign for the Dragon Diaries omnibus here.