Those Coxwells

Once upon a time, I wrote four contemporary romances, featuring the three brothers and one sister in the Coxwell family. Each sibling had his or her story told and – no surprise – got an HEA. These books were wonderful to write. I just loved them and I still do. So, it’s very exciting to be putting them back into the world again. They’ve been out of print for quite a while.

These books were originally published under my pseudonym Claire Cross. Since I don’t use that name anymore, I’ve decided to republish these four contemporary romances as Deborah Cooke books. (The four time travels I wrote which were published as Claire Cross books have been republished as Claire Delacroix titles, since they have more of an historical focus.)

The truly fabulous Kim Killion has done new covers for these four books and here they are:





You can read all the excerpt-y goodness and the back cover copy, right here on my site. The books are being uploaded this morning and will soon be available at Smashwords. The Amazon link should be live in the next 48 hours, and the books will perk through to other portals over the next month. There are also trade paperback editions of the books with these new covers on their way to a bookstore portal near you. 🙂

Edited to add – the books are now available at Smashwords, Amazon and All Romance eBooks. Availability at B&N, Apple, KOBO, Sony and the other portals will take 2 – 4 weeks more.

2 thoughts on “Those Coxwells

  1. Yay!!!
    As much as I your dragons and historicals, my favorite of the books you wrote is still All or Nothing, and I love the entire series as well.
    I expect my new tablet in the mail next week, glad I can add the Coxwells to it!


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