Shopping at GooglePlay

If you buy ebooks at GooglePlay and live in US, Canada or Australia, you’ll likely see some better pricing on my ebooks soon. GP has changed their publisher agreement for these territories: they used to discount the list price worldwide, so publishers had to set the list price higher to ensure that the displayed retail price matched the Amazon price. (Amazon’s agreement stipulates that their displayed price must be the lowest.) GP’s new agreement eliminates that discounting in those three territories, although both GP and Amazon retain the right to match lower prices elsewhere. I’m cautiously optimistic about this change.

I’ve been updating my book files at Google with Google-specific editions – that means the links to other books go to the book’s respective product page at Google, instead of to the landing page on my website. I’ve been updating the prices as I go. The new terms stipulate a price range for books in these territories to be available for the new terms (99cents to $9.99 US) and I’m finding that the conversion to $CA and $AU puts my boxed sets outside the parameters. So, they’re keeping the old prices in all markets except US.

Depending how this shakes out, it might be possible to do pre-orders at GooglePlay in future. We’ll see.

Right now, most of Claire’s books have been updated. I should finish them and Deborah’s books this week, then will update Secret Heart Ink, as well as my paranormal romances and time travels, as those books come out of Kindle Unlimited in September and go into wide distribution again.

How curious. Deborah has an author page at GooglePlay, but Claire doesn’t. But most of Flatiron Five is missing from Deborah’s page. I’ll send support a message and try to get this sorted out – if you click on Simply Irresistible, GP will show the rest of the series in the sidebar.

See Deborah’s books at GooglePlay.

See Claire’s books at GooglePlay.