BookBub Author Profiles

BookBub has added author profiles to their website. You can follow authors here, just as can follow authors at Amazon, and I assume BookBub will notify you when those authors have a book on sale. I’m hoping that this service evolves so that they’ll also notify readers of new releases, but we’ll see.

Here’s what it looks like:

Claire Delacroix's BookBub Author ProfileFor the moment, it displays an author picture, bio and list of books in alphabetical order. (I’d rather organize them by series, but I’m fussy like that!) When I grabbed this screen shot, I had added some books, so there’s a default cover displayed for The Damsel. I hope that’s updated by now. For the moment, they don’t divide the profiles by author brand, so I chose to have mine be for Claire Delacroix. I run more BookBub ads with those titles.

Just for comparison, here’s my Claire Delacroix author page at I left the explanation open on the Follow button:
Claire Delacroix author profile at Amazon.comHere’s the link to my BB profile for Claire Delacroix.

Here’s the link to my profile for Claire Delacroix.

Is this a feature that you’ll use at either site? At both? Tell me which and why!

About Firestorm Forever

Firestorm Forever, A Dragonfire Novel and paranormal romance by Deborah CookeI’m one of those comparison shoppers, so I thought I’d bring you up to date on the plans for Firestorm Forever. It’s a big book—it tells of three firestorms and takes place over a year. It can’t be broken into smaller books, because all of the firestorms come to their happy endings near the end. That’s all the spoiler I’m going to give you on that.

But the size of the book leads to some changes. The book is available for pre-order now where it can be, and is priced at $4.99 for pre-order. The price will stay at that point for two days—because some of you shop at other portals, like B&N, which don’t permit pre-orders, so that’s fair—then will go to $9.99.

The trade paperback edition will also be big. It’ll certainly be priced higher than $14.99 (because the number of pages influences the cost and thus the price of print books). It will be available for pre-order at Amazon, then at other portals after the on-sale date of March 16. B&N seems to take about a week to list my trade paperback editions, while the Book Depository takes two weeks.

Because price is a consideration for everyone, I want to remind you about the Amazon Matchbook program. All of my indie-published books are registered in this program. It works like this: if you buy the print edition first at Amazon, you can then buy the digital for a cheaper price—I price all of mine at 99 cents. That program (which I think is awesome) is only available at Amazon, but if you already shop there, you might want to take advantage of it.

You can download the first chapter of Firestorm Forever and read it for free. Here’s the MOBI and here’s the EPUB. (Last night, they were doing some server maintenance, so if you get an error, just try again.)

You can also pre-order Firestorm Forever at these portals now, and take advantage of that early-bird discount. 🙂
Buy at Amazon
Buy at iBooks Buy at KOBO


There’s another new way for you to get news about your favourite authors.

I told you a few weeks ago about the new feature available at Amazon on their author pages. You can now click to be notified when any author has a new book released. There’s more detail about this, as well as links to my Amazon author pages, in my post from November.

Also, as of this week, BookBub has added a feature for subscribers – if you are a BookBub subscriber, you can ask to me notified when a specific author has a new BookBub promotion. This is supposed to work even if you unsubscribe from BookBub, so it must be a separate newsletter list. You can read more about the Author Follow feature on their blog right here.

I think it’s great that portals are finally simplifying the process of having readers know what authors are up to. You might not want to subscribe to a lot of author newsletters, and you know that you will go back to your sales portal of choice or to a favourite promotion site. What do you think of these features? Are you using them, or do you plan to?