Inside The Dragon Diaries Special Edition HardCover Omnibus

You might have noticed that I didn’t show the inside of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition HardCover Omnibus in the video or pictures of the sample book. That’s because I made a mistake. I’ve never ordered a colour interior before and I set it up wrong. It printed in black-and-white instead in the sample. :-/

BUT that’s fixed now for the printing of the actual books, and I have some images from the new preview tool at the printer to show you. We can take a virtual flip through the book interior this morning!

First, it shows me the case laminate with the gold foil. (The blue lines mark the spine width. They don’t print on the book cover, but are just visual guides in the tool.)

virtual proof of the case laminate with foil of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

Next, is the book interior. Backers voted in the campaign this week and overwhelmingly chose the blue signing page for the very front of the book. The page on the left won’t be white – it’ll be the gold dragon scales from the endpapers. (This preview tool doesn’t show the endpapers yet.) I think it will look amazing!

virtual proof of the first page of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

When we turn the page, the type from the title appears next in black-and-white, kind of a publishing tradition.

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The reader letter begins opposite the copyright page.

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

Then there’s a half-title page with a dragon. 🙂

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The title page for the first book, Flying Blind, is in a blue circle like the one on the case laminate. There’s one of these for each of the three books.

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The first chapter in each book has a double-page image spread that runs behind the type. Here’s the one for Flying Blind:

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

Here’s a black and white spread, which are most of the pages. You can see the dragons standing guard over the page numbers. 🙂

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

Every chapter has the blue circle around the chapter number.

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The illustrations drawn by Jaka Prawira appear as double-page spreads, like this one of Nick:

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus showing the illustration of Nick

Here’s the double-page opening spread for Winging It:

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

Here’s the double-page opening spread for Blazing the Trail:

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The Acknowledgements page still needs a list of names:

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

I like the dragon breathing fire at my book list. 🙂

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The last page of the book has the blue and gold circle there again. This spread will have the gold dragon scales on the right, mirroring the front of the book.

virtual proof of the interior of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

When you order your Special Edition through the Kickstarter campaign, you’ll a Luxe bookmark along with a set of four printed character cards, your name in the acknowledgements, and your book will be signed and numbered, too.

Luxe Bookmark and Character Cards includes with The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus at Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign runs through June 25.

The Dragon Diaries omnibus hardcover edition, coming to Kickstarter in June

See the Kickstarter campaign for the Dragon Diaries omnibus here.

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