Videos of The Dragon Diaries HardCover Omnibus Editions

As promised, I got my videos made and uploaded.

The first one has no audio and just shows the Special Edition.

The Special Edition Dragon Diaries HardCover

The second video compares the Special Edition and the retail edition.

The Dragon Diaries HardCover Omnibus Editions – Compared

This book is so shiny that we have to have a stretch goal for gold sprayed edges. 🙂

When you order your Special Edition through the Kickstarter campaign, you’ll a Luxe bookmark along with a set of four character cards, your name in the acknowledgements, and your book will be signed and numbered.

Luxe Bookmark and Character Cards includes with The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus at Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign runs through June 25.

The Dragon Diaries omnibus hardcover edition, coming to Kickstarter in June

See the Kickstarter campaign for the Dragon Diaries omnibus here.

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