The Dragon Diaries Special Edition HardCover Omnibus – In Real Life!

Yesterday, the sample copy of the Dragon Diaries Special Edition HardCover Omnibus arrived.

It’s soooo pretty!

Let’s have a look.

The dust jacket has gold foil accents. The foil catches the light – or not – which makes it tough to photograph. I took a bunch of pictures – using two different cameras – and you can see that the camera perceives the foil as black when the light isn’t hitting it right.

From the top down, the subtitle (The Complete Series) is in gold foil, and so is my name at the bottom. The title has foil accents in the scale-y bits of the type. The dust jacket has a matte finish, which contrasts nicely with the shiny foil.

Here’s the dragon that’s on the back of the dust jacket. He has foil highlights, too.

Back of the dust jacket for The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil accents, by Deborah Cooke
Back of the dust jacket for The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil accents, by Deborah Cooke

The case laminate also has a matte finish, but all of the imagery on it is in gold foil.

The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil on the case laminate, by Deborah Cooke
The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil on the case laminate, by Deborah Cooke

You can see the scales in the background in these pix.

Finally, there are the endpapers, which print in colour in this edition. In this pic, you can see that the type on the inside flap of the dust jacket also runs in gold foil – and there’s a blue ribbon bookmark, too.

Endpapers of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil on the case laminate, by Deborah Cooke

I love these endpapers!

Endpapers of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil on the case laminate, by Deborah Cooke

This is one chonky book.

Spine of The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus edition with gold foil on the case laminate, by Deborah Cooke

The Special Edition also has a dedication page for me to sign and number your copy. It’s the first page in the book. The designer gave me two versions – a blue background and a white background – and backers will vote on June 17 to choose which version will be in the book.

Dedication page for The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus

The Special Edition is available only through the Kickstarter campaign. As well as being signed and numbered for each backer, each backer’s name will be included in the acknowledgements of the Special Edition.

This book is so shiny that we have to have a stretch goal for gold sprayed edges. 🙂

When you order your Special Edition through the Kickstarter campaign, you’ll a Luxe bookmark along with a set of four character cards, your name in the acknowledgements, and your book will be signed and numbered.

Luxe Bookmark and Character Cards includes with The Dragon Diaries Special Edition Hardcover Omnibus at Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign runs through June 25.

I’ll make a video of the book now that it’s here and post that probably Monday.

The Dragon Diaries omnibus hardcover edition, coming to Kickstarter in June

See the Kickstarter campaign for the Dragon Diaries omnibus here.

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