Cover for WINGING IT

Here it is – the truly gorgeous cover for WINGING IT, which is book #2 in my YA trilogy “the Dragon Diaries”. This book will be a December 2011 release from NAL Trade.

Cover for WINGING IT, YA #2

Wow. I LOVE this cover! What do you all think?

9 thoughts on “Cover for WINGING IT

  1. It also seems more feminine. I love the pinkish coloring along the bottom and the softer hues. I also like her shirt.

    If you can’t answer this, I’ll understand:

    Does Book 7, etc of the adult series take place before, during, or after Zoe’s books? (I was looking at the tentative release schedule)


    • Hi Christina –

      Actually the timeline for the two series is separated by a number of years. Zoë, the heroine of the YA series, was born after Erik’s book KISS OF FATE in 2008. So, she will be 16 in 2024, which is when the timeline for Dragon Diaries begins. I decided that the world wouldn’t have changed that much by then. Rafferty’s book, DARKFIRE KISS, is set in December 2010.

      It was an interesting challenge to keep the books linked but also separate, so that a reader could read just one series and still know what was going on. There are changes in the Pyr world in Rafferty’s book, which set up the situation in Zoë’s book, but beyond that, they will be unlinked.

      The only spoiler really is that Zoë’s books take place after the completion of the Dragon’s Tail wars (i.e. the final battle with the Slayers which runs through the astrological cycle that ends in 2015 and is the over-arching conflict in the Dragonfire series) but I don’t think it gives that much away to say that the Pyr will win that fight. You’ll have to read the Dragonfire books to find out HOW they win it, though!

      Does that make sense?


  2. I figured the Pyr would win. 🙂 If an author sets out to write a romance series, it only makes sense that the good guys win or the HEAs wouldn’t be very happy after all. So — I don’t consider it a spoiler.

    Just to make sure I understood you:

    The story arc of the (hopefully) 13 adult Dragonfire books will wrap up long before Zoe and her Pyr contemporaries are teenagers.

    And because of how the books will be released, we’ll potentially meet the offspring of Pyr who’s book hasn’t been written yet (i.e, Sloan’s). Right?


    • Yes, the storyline of the (hopefully) 13 adult Dragonfire books will wrap up in 2015, and the YA series begins in 2024.

      As for your other question, this first YA trilogy features the Pyr kids who are around 16, as these are Zoë’s buds. So, we have Nick and Garrett and Liam playing key roles – at least so far. If there are more YA titles after this initial three, the cast could get bigger. Make sense?



  3. Makes perfect sense. Thanks for clearing it up. 🙂

    I hadn’t read Whisper Kiss yet, so I’m guessing — with the Irish name — he’s Liam Shea, son of Ginger and Delaney. 😉


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