WBB and SciFi Fan Letter

One of my favourite bookstores in Toronto has long been the World’s Biggest Bookstore. It’s huge and they carry a lot of genre fiction. I’ve always loved going there, for the selection and for the eye candy.

So, I was very excited to be contacted by Jessica about her putting an endcap together at the WBB for my fallen angel series from Tor. She also did an interview with me – you can read it in the store, or you can read it on her blog Sci-Fi Fan Letter.

Here’s the permalink to the actual interview post.

Here’s a shot of the Delacroix display on the end cap. Looks great, doesn’t it? (But I know you can’t read the interview at this size!)

And here are all the other fallen angel books on the endcap:

Makes you want to go shopping, doesn’t it?

8 thoughts on “WBB and SciFi Fan Letter

  1. Look at all your pretty books. I know I’m still waking up because I didn’t notice that Fallen was up there twice and thought ‘wait a minute I only read 3 books!’ Hehehe


  2. I love how huge that shop looks!! i want to go there and get lost!!!

    I had a good old nose around our biggest local bookshop and couldnt find ANY section for romance- then i literally tripped over my own foot and almost landed on it- would you believe the romance section was smaller than my own bookcase??? And more shocking was that there were only 2 authors on the shelf- and none of them was you Deborah- its insane!! Your display is cool beans :0) are you proud? :0)


    • Sam – It’s a terrific store for getting lost amidst the books. Wish I still lived close by.

      I’m surprised that your bookstore had a romance section at all. Retail distribution for the genre is very tough in the UK.



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