Delacroix Bookplates

I’ve known for a while that I wouldn’t have copies of WHISPER KISS at any of the signings at RWA National this July, because the on sale date is the Tuesday after the conference. That’s part of the reason I got the bookplates done – at least I’ll be able to sign those for readers at the various signings, then they can stick the bookplate into their copy of the book when they snag one.

But I realised this weekend (duh!) that I won’t have copies of REBEL to sign at RWA National, either. Probably because the on sale date isn’t until the end of August, I hadn’t really thought about it.

So, I pinged the ever-talented Laron at Ninth Moon and am getting some bookplates made for the Delacroix angel series. This means that if you would like bookplates for your fallen angel books – or any other Delacroix title, really – just email me. You’ll need to give me your mailing address and tell me who you’d like the bookplates signed for. As always, here’s my email – just take out the extra word spaces and change the words in caps to the appropriate symbols.

chestwick AT sympatico DOT ca

We’ve just started to talk about the design, so it’ll be a few weeks before I get them in the mail to you – but lots of time before your copy of REBEL arrives!

7 thoughts on “Delacroix Bookplates

  1. I need to get started on this series so I can get a bookplate 🙂 It’s on my TBR list I swear but haven’t got to it yet. There are currently 2 books in the series?


    • Yes, Stephanie –

      Both FALLEN and GUARDIAN are in print already. REBEL, which is number 3, comes out in September.

      I’ll send you a bookplate. 🙂



  2. Thanks 😀 It will remind me to get my butt in gear and get the book.

    I mentioned wanting Fallen a while back and author D.B. Reynolds said it was very good.


  3. Thank you so much for the pretty bookplates and the bookmarks. I love them. I look forward to your next.
    Your books are great. I have read your books since you wrote for Harlequin Historicals.

    A fan,


    • Thanks Betty!

      I have a question for you. What do you think about digital editions of books?

      Because the print book market is extremely tough for historical romances, but I miss writing them. I’ve been poking around at various options to publish historicals digitally, but am not certain that my readers from those days read in that format. What do you think?



  4. Personally, I prefer a printed book to digital editions. Nothing beats the feel of a book compared to holding a Nook or something of the sort. It may be more convenient for traveling, however isn’t flipping pages and holding a printed book how reading’s supposed to be?


    • I prefer printed books, too, Hannah, but digital books certainly are popular. Because I work on the computer all day, the last thing I want to do at night is look at another screen. Print books are perfect – and portable. 🙂



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