WINTER KISS Joyfully Reviewed

A new review this week for WINTER KISS – and it was worth the wait! Here’s the summary:

“Can a firestorm mating show a dragon on a suicide mission the way home?  Winter Kiss gives Delaney his fated mate, even when he believes he is beyond redemption to the Pyr.  Ginger has no idea that dragons really exist but she knows a sexy and undeniable man when she meets one.  Delaney is on his way to destroy an enemy and his elixir when his firestorm hits and draws him into a bar and to the glorious redhead.  Delaney had my heart back when he was rescued from the Academy and I could not have predicted a better mate for him than Ginger.  They go head to head several times but I could see the great love that was just beneath it all.  Watching Ginger and Delaney find a way to cure him and have their future together made Winter Kiss an instant favorite.  The action packed plotline combined with an even better romance tells me that I will be re-reading Winter Kiss many times.”

Thanks, Joy!

You can read the whole review right HERE.