Newsletter Subscriptions

I’ve scrubbed my newsletter subscriber list this past weekend. If you had subscribed but have not opened any of the last TEN newsletters, then you’re no longer subscribed. it doesn’t make sense to send newsletters, even digital ones, to people who don’t want them.

OTOH, it might be that you subscribed, but your ISP thought the newsletter was spam. I send a newsletter every month, so you’ll know if you subscribed and didn’t get one. If you subscribed to my newsletter but received one, then please subscribe again, right here. Ypu’ll want to be signed up, especially now that I have my online store, as I’ll be making special offers to readers there as well as the usual monthly news, and those offers will only be announced in the newsletter.

I would also suggest that you add my email address to your address book so that your ISP realizes you know me – the newsletter comes from

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