A New Regime

As many of you who read the blog regularly know, we lost the Queen Bee last December. She was a standard poodle, who was part of our family from the time she was a little pup. For more than 13 years, she ruled the roost in our house, and we miss her very much.

Recently, however, a new contender has taken the throne. Our new girl is a rescue who is partly trained, and she’s full of beans. I’d forgotten how much energy young dogs have! She’s fitting in very well, though, and ensuring that everyone sleeps well at night.

I’ve never had a rescue pet before, and certainly there’s a bit more mystery to the process of putting her at ease in her new home. We don’t really know everything she’s experienced. OTOH, she clearly sees that she has a good thing going and is particularly anxious to please. She is mischievoue—she gets clothing out of the laundry basket, particularly when someone leaves the house, and she does like to liberate my knitting yarn. I think in a month (or three) everything will settle down to a dull roar. I do like hearing the sound of little paws in the house again.

How about you? Do you have pets? Did you get them from the breeder, or from a shelter?