All Roads Lead To Rome

This week, I took the next step in the Great Website Amalgamation. If you’ve been peeking at my purple Château Delacroix site, you may have discovered that the url now brings you here. The url for the Dragon Diaries ( also brings you here now, as does the Claire Cross url (

You can find information about all of my books on this single site. If you had bookmarked individual pages on any of those sites, clicking on them will bring you here and give you a 404 message. The content is all relocated to this site, but the urls will have changed. Simply use the drop down menus to find what you were looking for.

Everything about my books is now in one place, which makes me happy. 🙂

Websites on the Move

Welcome to my new website!

I’ve finally updated all of my legacy systems and amalgamated everything in one place. Here you’ll find all of my books – written as myself Deborah Cooke, as Claire Delacroix and as Claire Cross – as well as the new incarnation of my blog, Alive and Knitting.

The move will be an incremental one. First, this site had to be created and turned on for the world. That’s done. Next, the domain name will repoint to this site, and its url will change.

As a result of that change, a lot of links are going to go 404. 😦 The ones I’m most concerned about are those in the back of the digital editions of my books. The next phase of the move, which will take several months in 2014, will be to update the end matter in all of my digital books with new links, links that point here.

The next big ugly job will be moving all of the content from my current blog (located at for many years) to this server and address. There will be missing images and links resulting from that transaction, too. I’ll also have to hunt down all the blog feeds on the internet and update the address for the rss.

Phew! After that’s done, and will be repointed to this site, although its url will remain At some point in the future, the hosting on will expire and it will be pointed here, too.

It’s a lot of work, but once it’s done, it’ll be easier for me to maintain and for you to find information about my books. So, have a look around the new site and familiarize yourself with it. This is where everything will be!