New Swag – Dragonfire Temporary Tattoos

One of the things that blew me away at the Coastal Magic Readers’ Conference was all the great swag for readers. I always do postcards, of course, and I have bookplates available, but I realized that I was way behind the game in terms of swag.

And so, I’ve been fixing that.

First off, there’s a new page on the site here, which lists all the available swag, with appropriate links. I added a link for Tony Mauro’s site: he’s the artist who did the illustrations for the first 8 Dragonfire covers, and he sells prints of those illustrations from his site. Look up: it’s on the About Deborah drop-down menu. Or today, you can just click this link to get there from here. 🙂

Next, I added more swag.

The first addition is a Dragonfire temporary tattoo. Amanda Carlson had some at CMRC (with the crescent moon from her Jessica McClain series) and I thought they were so cool. She graciously told me where she’d ordered them, and I set my designer to work. They’re in production right now, but here’s what they look like – the gold is supposed to be your skin, and the dotted line won’t appear on the tattoo:

Dragonfire Temporary Tattoo

When they arrive, I’ll let you know. I’ll mail these out just like postcards to those of you who’d like some. 🙂

There’s more on the way, so I show you pix when the box arrives. 🙂

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